College Speaker and Mentor on The Transition from Campus to Career.
Marc is passionate about helping college students realize their full potential beyond the classroom. Consistently ranked as a top college speaker, he brings the perfect balance of an energizing audience-interactive speech combined with real-world experiences and credibility. Marc’s heartwarming stories and passionate delivery will not only serve to lessen students’ worries, they’ll walk out with practical ideas to put to use immediately. Invite this special college speaker and mentor to your campus today.
From Students and Professors
In his talk, Marc will share key points from thought leaders and mentors to give your students a jumpstart on their future careers, including:
Would you hire you?
Making the Connection
Find a Mentor
Limited Degrees of Separation
The Little Things that Make a Difference
Turn that Coffee Meeting into an Interview
Change is the Only Constant that You Can Count On
Creating Your Own Brand
Failure is an Important Part of this Game
Advantage: You
If You Want It Bad Enough, You Better Ask For It
Sharing Your Gift
During Marc’s keynote speech, your seniors and grad students will enjoy short career advice videos from key influencers like Randi Zuckerberg, Facebook’s first Chief Marketing Officer:
At his mentor’s suggestion, Marc earned his Law Degree from Loyola Law School with the hope of becoming a sports agent. Post-law school interviews with entertainment law firms and sports management companies revealed a side of the agenting business that didn’t appeal to Marc, and he found himself in his late 20’s struggling to figure out what he wanted to do with his life. Marc then found a new interest working in live television as a Production Associate with NBC Sports.
This role put him in a position of closeness with the local sports teams in Los Angeles, and a chance encounter at age 28 with then-Lakers Head Coach Pat Riley gave Marc the opportunity to start his own business. Thus began a 30-year career for Marc as a lecture agent that would expose him on an up close and personal level with some of America’s most prolific athletes, entrepreneurs, and authors. The stories that Marc has heard firsthand from Bill Gates, Magic Johnson, Venus Williams, Maya Angelou, Neil Armstrong, Muhammad Ali, and so many more have equipped him with motivational and inspirational wisdoms that few get the chance to share at this level.
Marc’s longstanding passion for sports led both of his children to college: his daughter played tennis at The University of Southern California while his son swam for Boston College. And because a mentor was so instrumental during and after Marc’s college days, Marc Reede is devoted to assisting college seniors with this transition in their lives today as a popular college speaker.
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