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As I meet so many college upperclassmen at my career readiness speeches, it doesn’t surprise me that the key issues of Mentorship, Networking, Building your Personal Brand, and Dealing with Rejection are issues that seniors and grad students pay close attention to.  I like to share a series of my personal observations as well as important stories from my Influencer-clients with these audiences; here’s just one:

I watched the most recent Conor McGregor UFC fight from Las Vegas. I’m no big UFC fan but I enjoy all of the excitement surrounding any match with the face of the UFC, Conor McGregor.  This one lasted only 40 seconds, but the true surprise to me was what happened after the fight. 

Conor McGregor’s  team streamed into the ring to congratulate him after the quick victory. The first on into the ring to hug Conor wasn’t his wife, however, it was Tony Robbins.  Yes, that Tony Robbins, the 7 foot tall Motivational Icon and Life Coach who has self-proclaimed that he has inspired over 50 million people to succeed over his career as a motivational speaker.  What strikes me about this relationship is that Conor is known to be the best there is.  Why should the best need advice and guidance and support? Turns out that Conor McGregor forged a bond with this Ultra Life Coach to help him gain a mental edge over his opponents. Because the truth is that everyone in that ring has similar fighting and martial arts skills, and the realization is that the difference between winning and losing becomes a state of mind. 

This is the exact reason why we all need mentors and people in our corners to help guide us in every aspect of our lives–especially as you step from school into your career.  You’ll no doubt be coming up against those with similar skills and backgrounds to yours in job interviews and in potential business dealings, but the necessity to shine and find your strengths within may require someone standing “outside” the box.  Because someone looking at you and your situation from afar may just see something completely hidden to you. Identify potential mentors as you begin your journey today.  Those faces may change in a week, in a month, in a year–but the idea is the same.