I begin each day in my business as if it’s truly a new day and I’m just starting anew from Day 1. On the weekends, I reach out to potential new LinkedIn connections in hopes of hearing from them on Monday with a brand new opportunity. And yes, while that may appear to be a bit blind-sided because of the many other connections and leads and customer relationships I’ve build over the years, I’ve always found that my sales business–just like the way you are looking for a new opportunity right now–is an absolute game of numbers. The more people you reach out to, the luckier you get. And if you’re not sure about touching a specific person at that company, you do it anyway!
Aim for the Stars with those Touches
It may seem that reaching out to the CEO of a startup is a bad place to start–even if you somehow have that person’s email address. It’s widely known that Mark Cuban responds to any and all emails that come his way, so the answer is always “YES, send that email and reach for the stars!” But the key here is what you say in this email, since you truly have one good shot and you’d better take it now. Merely asking Mark Cuban for advice and guidance for your future or even a job won’t get you anywhere quickly, but sharing with him an understanding of his business dealings and successes over the years–and how that’s inspired you on your path to success just may set you up with an amazing connection.